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The Perfect Pairing: Jerky + Bourbon

13 Jan 19

When you have an amazing product, it needs an equally amazing counterpart. Just like relationships, foods should only be paired with other things that are going to make them better. Perfect pairings are all about highlighting each other’s kick-assery, and making each other better together. Think about Jay-Z without Beyoncé, or Kim without Kanye, it just wouldn’t work. Our perfect filet mignon jerky deserves an equally perfect pairing. Try out these 5 simple pairings below to rock your taste bud’s world.


Original Filet Mignon Jerky- Basil Hayden

Our original filet mignon jerky pairs perfectly with Basil Hayden bourbon. This bourbon is spicy, peppery, honey flavored, light-bodied, and has a gentle bite.



Maple Bourbon Churro Jerky- Four roses

Four Roses bourbon contains hints of ripe plum, cherry and other fruits, mild spices, plus sweet aromas including caramel, cocoa, vanilla and maple syrup. These flavors taste awesome with our Maple Bourbon Churro Jerky. Try this out for a sweet and smoky taste.



Hamburger Jerky- Elijah Craig

Try out pairing our Hamburger Jerky with Elijah Craig Bourbon. This bourbon is quite strong, and has a sweet fragrance of wood and spice tones.



Chipotle Adobo Jerky- Buffalo Trace

Buffalo Trace bourbon is rich and complex, has hints of vanilla, toffee, and candied fruit. This flavor profile pairs perfectly with our Chipotle Adobo Jerky. Since the Chipotle Adobo flavor is spicy, sweet, and savory, Buffalo Trace bourbon is its match made in heaven.



Memphis BBQ - Makers Mark

Say no more with this classic, Markers Mark bourbon offers a caramel toffee flavor with an oak finish. This guarantees a bittersweet edge and tastes delicious with our spicy and savory Memphis BBQ jerky.



We hope that you enjoyed these fancy AF pairings.

 -Three Jerks