
Welcome to the JerkStore!
23 Oct 13Hi. This is Jordan Barrocas (guy in the left of the photo) and I would like to officially welcome you to Three Jerks Jerky: The Original Filet Mignon Beef Jerky. My partner Daniel Fogelson (large man in the right of the photo) and I are pleased to launch this site; we sincerely hope you enjoy every aspect of it.
The past year and a half has been a fantastic journey, taking us through developing our product, realizing we have a viable business, and figuring out how to make it a thriving entity. There have been many bumps along the way. Some have been fun and others painful, but the end result is something that the two of us extremely proud of. The truth is we wouldn’t have had it any other way. Daniel, who we all call Fogey, and I go back further than this business. The two of us were college roommates back when we drank more beer than water and sunrise came after a night of partying rather than early mornings. All kidding aside, Fogey and I were great friends in college. We had similar tastes in music, social life, friends, and even our study habits. Of course we also shared a strong passion for food. Now, our college years were a little before the food/cooking/everyone’s a Top Chef craze, so our passion primarily circled around eating food. And we certainly ate a lot of it. It is no surprise that spending numerous meals together devouring delicious food can bring people together. And with Fogey and I, it surely did.
I graduated in 2007, starting my own mini passage that took me through three states, three jobs, and grad school. The last job landed me in Southern California. It just so happened that is where Fogey was living. We picked up right where we left off without missing a step and when the idea for Three Jerks Jerky came to us, we understood it was a natural extension of our friendship. It was one of those things that just made sense every way you looked at it. We liked the idea of making amazing beef jerky, but more importantly, we loved the idea of doing it together. We set out to create something that was not only delicious but also truly represented who we are. The similarities and differences in our personalities were characteristics that we wanted to shine through in our business. I am proud to say that I know we have accomplished our goal. And even more, I am proud to be able to share that now with you.
Three Jerks Jerky is more than a product. It is more than a business to us. It is the representation of who Daniel and I are as friends and business partners. That makes us proud and we are happy to be able to give you a taste.